Wednesday 12 October 2011

Hey Blog!

Hello all,

Welcome to the RAW Projects blog. I'm Chris, an architectural graduate, who has decided to post irregularly on the work that I'm doing, as well as other (mostly) architectural musings. RAW Projects is a company that I have not officially set up (so please don't steal the name, thanks), that I intend to do the majority of my work through, both architecture and development. But more on that in the future.

This blog is a way not only to share my work & thoughts with others, but to allow for me to grow as an architect, and rationalise my work through its process, something architects are notorious for not being able to do. Maybe I won't be able to either, we'll see.

I've got a few ideas for some 'regular' type posts, as well as some 'stream of conciousness' posts, spontaneous inspirations and the occasional rant. A few of the regulars posts I hope to put on here:

Now Reading
A few notes, thoughts and insights into the book or books that I am reading 6 pages at a time. I'm a slow and easily distracted reader, but ultimately very interested in just about everything I read. Which is exactly why I need to read more often.

Chris Tries to Draw
I'm really not very good at drawing either, at least not with pencil and pen on paper. I'm a master at drawing digitally, but that doesn't count at all. In fact, I'm better that handling a basketball, both in real life and in virtual reality (xbox) than I am at drawing, yet I'm certain that I have a far more promising future as an architect than as a professional basketball player, which is precisely why I intend to stick it out, and practice my sketching.

Consider these posts part of the comedic section of the blog. 

The Warburton House
I'm about to move in to my first ever house, with my beautiful partner Hayley, in about a week. It's going to be amazing, and hopefully I'm able to capture some of that thrill in here, in various different ways. Expect more details to come, but I will say that nothing has made me more (architecturally) excited than the potential to live in one of my own projects, which is precisely what this should be.

Architectural Highlights/Lowlights
This is rant territory. And holiday-photo territory. And archi-news territory. Plenty of scope in here to talk to just about anything architecture related.

My next couple of posts should have something to do with the RAW Projects Business Cards, and the book I'm reading right now, a recent favourite, Y'Avant-Garde Architecture by Terunobu Fujimori. Which leads me to final thought of this opening post:

Fujimori & Radiohead. These are two of my favourite things, and both are undoubtedly at the top of their prospective artforms. The experiences that I've had with Radiohead's music and Fujimori's buildings can only be compared to each other, above just about all else, and both drive me to strive to create original, beautiful, unique and masterful works, in every aspect of what I do.

Until next time.


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